Unknown Faces
It was quite challenging to find something to complain about as a child. My mother cooked with her heart but mostly her foot, my sisters and I got along just fine, and I was exposed to cultures much like a college student traveling abroad. Although, one of my biggest gripes as a kid was having to consistently make new friends each time my family and I moved. It was exhausting and often felt like a task in many ways.
Till this day I wish my friends from all over the world could live in the same city. Yet, at the same time i’m fearful I wouldn’t get anything done if having access to them all. Each and every day would be dedicated to some sort of event, activity or theme. In a perfect world there would be an app that tells you the duration of how long someone would exist in your life. Sometimes we never know when a “See you later” turns into “Goodbye.” Always keep a flower on standby.