Black Boy Fly

You are on the verge of embarking on a journey with me through the twists and turns of life—a journey that never fails to amaze yet often leaves me yearning to retreat into a fetal position, calling out for my family's comforting embrace. Life's hardships can be overwhelming, yet amidst the chaos lies a profound beauty, one that reveals itself when we realize that every challenge is an opportunity for spiritual growth.

BlackBoy Fly (BBF) was born from a multitude of motivations. It serves as a tribute to my brothers and sisters who have fallen victim to senseless violence, perpetrated by those sworn to protect us. It celebrates the potential of young athletes, offering them a pathway to create wealth that can transcend generations. And it speaks to the inner child within me, granting me the vision to find light even in the darkest of moments.

The photographs within BBF were captured during my travels in 2023, blending the realms of work and leisure. None of these images are contrived; instead, they were moments frozen in time as I observed the world around me, a mere observer with the power to capture the essence of fleeting moments.


Now What?

Oh you’re done and you can’t find me? Odds are I gave you the good ole Irish goodbye and scurried away to find some solitude so I can make a new playlist. But no need to fret, you can leave a question, a thought, or even complain about what you just experienced. There are no wrong answers so have at it.